Saturday, January 1, 2011


Hello :) First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope you had a cracking New Years Eve, ready to welcome in 2011! Crazy isn't it? A whole year has come and gone. 2011 will be full of change and excitement, and I can't wait ;) Well today in Sydney it's been hot with temperatures reaching about 30 degrees. A perfect day to sleep in, read, cook and have a lazy day at home...

My new start to the day. A teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed into a glass of water.
Quinoa porridge for a late breakfast. Topped with sunflower seeds, dates, sultanas, dried apricots and cranberries, shredded coconut and a drizzle of honey...
Putting up the new Frankie calendar in my room! 
Lunch. A baked mushroom with a fresh salad (olives, rocket, spinach, baby tomatoes and parsley)
Books and such. I flicked through 'The Healthy Skin Diet' for some healthy recipe ideas, nearly finished 'Lunch in Paris', read some of the new Frankie magazine and the Gourmet Travellers Italian Cookbook. 
Reading and eating kiwi fruit in bed...
 I decided to watch the charming French comedy 'Priceless' again. Who doesn't love Audrey Tautou?!
Later in the afternoon it was time to kick-start the new year with a vegetable juice! Beetroots, carrots, celery, orange and ginger. 
Well thats a bit of how I spent my New Years Day so far. Pretty relaxed, but it was too hot for much else. 

And a little backwards but here's a photo of a friend and I from last night. We celebrated with a few friends around Waverton Park where we had a spectacular view of the fireworks!! What did you get up to?
Hannah x


  1. It sure looks like you were at "Waverton park" to me...

  2. Yes, it is hard to tell from the picture! But we sure were ;)
    Hannah x

  3. Wow, super healthy! And delicious. I haven't seen that movie but I adore Audrey Tautou, I should watch it! Happy New Year, Hannah :)
    Heidi xo
