Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Summer heat

Hello :) First of all, Happy Australia Day! How have you been celebrating?? I've been for an early morning swim and I'm currently listening to the JJJ countown. It's not that patriotic, but it's far too hot for my liking to be in the city amongst festivities.

In this post I don't have a recipe to share or anything interesting as such but some photos of what I've been eating/drinking for the past few days in this summer heat...

 Dark chocolate, almond and shredded coconut biscuits my sister made the other day. Delicious combintation!
Fresh blueberries, eaten straight out of the packet!
Easy mountain bread pizza. It's a healthy lunch in about 5 minutes!
Raw fudge balls. These look a little different from when I made them previously as I didn't roll them in desicated coconut. Great to keep in the fridge for some healthy snacking.
Muesli topped with almonds and blueberries. I could eat this any time of the day...
Tea :) I do love my tea, but sometimes when it gets too hot I have to sip it in front of my fan! Actually speaking of tea, I've been thinking of making a jug of iced tea to have in the fridge. Does anyone make iced tea? If so, what tea do you use? I always try them out in T2 and they're always yummy with pieces of orange and berries in the jug too!
I also had to share some photos of my roses. They're blooming like crazy at the moment, so it was fitting that we cut some off to display on the mantle piece
And finally I decided to be 'arty' and take a photo of our curtains (which have roses on them!) as I quite like the lighting here.

Well I need to get back to my tennis watching! C'mon Murray!

Hannah x


  1. This all looks lovely. I'm tempted to try making those raw fudge balls!

  2. Oh stop! It's winter in California and all these photos are making me jealous! ooh and for iced tea I always use black but then add lots of lemon, sugar, and mint :)


  3. Unfortunately the baked eggs were bought at a cafe in St Kilda so I can't claim I know anything about making them :) I've been told that baked eggs are fairly easy... I don't have a small cast iron or ceramic dish to try!

    Thanks for posting how to up your veggie intake! Great suggestions.

  4. happy belated australia day!

    and may i add that your curtains are just adorable :)

    xx christie
