Monday, April 4, 2011

Lazy Monday night cooking...

Hello :) When I got home tonight (around 6pm) the last thing I wanted to do was cook! However as I was quite hungry I decided to go have a look in our kitchen. I wanted to eat something quick! There were a few leftover vegetables, an opened packet of fetta and some eggs so I decided to make a super tasty: omelette! Perfect.

Into the pan went some extra virgin olive oil, chopped spinach and zucchini I let cook for a few minutes before adding 3 whisked eggs, cherry tomatoes and some feta. After a few minutes I transferred the pan under the griller to let the eggs set and voila! A filling, nutritious meal in less than no time at all :)

And an hour later I was delighted when my sister exclaimed she had made banana bread :) We'd had a few over ripe bananas, so it seemed the logical thing to do!!! 

The banana bread was warm and buttery. Very yummy and comforting indeed! She used the same recipe I used here but without the raspberries. 

It feels great using leftover ingredients to cook something simple and delicious doesn't it? 

What's your signature lazy weeknight meal?? 

Hannah x


  1. Depends on the night. Mostly I would just make a quick salad, or if I have leftover vege's, I will make a scrambled eggs with it!

  2. the banana bread looks lovely. definately more moist than the one i made ages ago.. ><

    i heard banana are goin to be $13 per kg soon OMG... i better see if i can make another bbread b4 then!

  3. My signature weeknight is pasta with mint, raisins, roast tomatoes, ricotta and roast garlic. Yummm

  4. Lazy weeknight meal: Guacamole, cucumber and cottage cheese wrap. mmmmmmmmmmmm

  5. Roast veggies all the way for my lazy meal :) Or baked bean toasties. Also tomato tuna pasta!
    Heidi xo
